Close your eyes and count to Seven
“The Water Magician” Viktor Schauberger
“The teachings of the Tabula Smaragdina were incised into the hardest precious stone – the emerald. Handed down to us from antiquity, they preach that a happy and healthy existence is dependent on the naturalesque intermixture of the stuff of Heaven and Earth. The progeny of this marriage between exalted atmospheric and geospheric ethericities is water, the blood of the Earth. This ur-source of life comes into being when the ethericities of the Earth bind with those of Heaven. For this the maternal forces and energies must be more powerful than the incident fertilizing substances, for of the process takes place in reverse order, then fire is created.”
Schauberger was born in Holzschlag, Upper Austria in 1885. His father and grandfather were both foresters, and Viktor too followed the path and became the head forest warden for Prince Adolph van Schaumburg-Lippe in 1920. As Viktor roamed remote unspoiled mountainsides, through observation, intuition and heritage, he grew to understand how energy flows through the hydraulic vortexes of alpine lakes and streams.
Viktor Schauberger found employment as a forest ranger at the beautiful and vast estate of a German prince, Adolf von Schaumburg-Lippe. The ‘miracle’ that permanently changed his life, occurred in these pristine forests. One cold winter morning, the ranger was ploughing his way through thick snow, following a pheasant to its mating grounds. He encountered an ice-cold, fast flowing mountain brook on his way. As he carefully placed his stick in a shallow place ready to jump, he suddenly saw something shoot away up stream, from the corner of his eye. Feeling intrigued, he paused. After a few minutes the fish—that’s what he had seen—returned. It opened its beak, and remained completely motionless in the wildly swirling water.
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