Well, Douglas, Kursk is part of Russia what happened to firm Putin’s response, what happened to the Nuclear response if NATO got too close to Russian borders?
Is NATO now close enough?
“Putin is tolerant for some reason…”
Distance from Kursk to Moscow
Distance between Kursk and Moscow is 456 kilometers (283 miles).
Driving distance from Kursk to Moscow is 523 kilometers (325 miles).
People die, people get displaced and disfigured for the rest of their lives on both sides these are irrefutable facts.
What if offensive in an upside-down world, actually worked compared to its WW2 manifestation, which was a devastating event for Axis forces?
Evrything that is happening right now,it is, all a giant form of distraction, nothing is real or smells and looks as it seems.
In America, You can vote for Orange Donald and Kamala, an even more crazier Horse called Mcdonald, so is there an actual choice?
My fair take is: that somebody thinks it is funnier to have a Horse face and a WWE clown as fierce opponents in the political ring than the walking CGI manifestation.
Who knows maybe in the end we will have Big Mike on the stage flashing his thingy/Salami...nothing is excluded from this Rocky Horror paranormal travesty.
I had enough of Palestine and never-ending pictures of victims plastered on “Twatter”.
Not because I dont have empathy but because I know what is the goal behind this morbid adventure.
All these Alternative figureheads have prescribed talking points, they all are at this point extremely annoying and tiring apostles of already decimated and broken machine.
My advice is dont watch this nonsense, go walk in the park, go fishing,explore the limits of your imagination, and do something useful with your earthly life…this is just life-sucking nonsense approved by the people who are dancing in cloaked black homo dresses, praying to a dead deity, called Ram.
So... they can ram each other better I presume.
RAm is ARm of the LAW or WAL for not initiated.
By now Nuclear response from Russia should have already happened,but for some reason, Putin is “extremely tolerant” that invading forces have taken part of Russian land…as our colonel here stated, this part of Russia,aahh f it , this part of the Russian land,it is not that important.
They all are comedians inserted for the willing participants who can’t get enough of this drug.
You can’t be that clueless, but more and more as times goes by,all these guys from alternative media space are sounding and becoming like robots, who are just playing different tunes, not so much different from the main orchestra.
Reality is crumbling down and these individuals, colonels, generals, Scott Ritters, and Durans are not living in reality, they are just a perverse echo of destroyed manifestation, nothing more, nothing less.
And these digital apparitions are desperately trying to keep you, the real you…ON- LINE.
LINE IS NILE-it is the river of life and a river of death.
If you swim in the river, let the current take you, then try to find shore, don't let the current take you too far, the reason is simple: maybe you won’t be able or have enough energy to swim out of it.
What is actually happening here, sacred is being separated from profane..
Sorry to tell you, but if you by now, you can not see behind the curtain of this nonsense, this theater of are profane.
So, keep your spirits alive and well, keep your daily mantras up, the screen/veil is coming down.
EVIL-VEIL-LIVE..choose but choose wisely.
It can not be stopped.
Is not Colonel MacGregor entertained yet?