Maccabi Tel Aviv Anthem This is from Outside of the Area of the Recent Incidents in Amsterdam
"And you say the swastika and National Socialist and so called 'White Supremacist' are the problems that plague this world... interesting."
And you say the swastika, National Socialists, and so-called 'White Supremacists' are the problems that plague this world... interesting. If you're gonna have a hymn like this, you'd better back up your words with your fists... or, well, we all know what happened.
Any firm have to have massive, massive balls to come in another town; mostly these firms are run by government intel operatives. Nobody in their right mind travels 1000+ kilometers to destroy a city for a round ball or virtually no reason.
I heard many hymns from many football clubs, but this one takes the cake.
What blackhearted, soulless, and cruel mind can come up with this “song” and sing this blasphemy in another town expecting no repercussions from the other side…
Any normal town will f you up so you never, ever, ever, eveeer come back, and police would stand by the side waiting till all is “done,” then make arrests for the “media.”
Da....kao u onoj seriji, mislim kako se zvala Carnival....jučer u Amsterdamu, sutra u vašem gradu.
Stvarno nije jasno kako smo toliko, kao društvo, zagazili u toliku psihopatiju. Ubojice i izazivači su hvaljeni članovi, ti se usprotivi i postaješ odmah radikalni desničarski ekstremist i spreme u zatvor. Stvarno, nije niti čudno što je sve naopako - pa sinagoga naopakog sotone je u igri. Ali, ovo nisu samo došljaci tamo iz nekih čudnih "nepoznatih" zemalja, ovo su sigurno i:
"Sayanim (hebrejski: סייענים, dosl. pomagači, pomoćnici) su neplaćeni židovski civili koji pomažu Mossadu iz osjećaja odanosti Izraelu. Njih regrutiraju Mossadovi terenski agenti, katsas, da pruže logističku potporu operacijama Mossada. Sayan koji vodi agenciju za iznajmljivanje automobila, npr. mogao bi pomoći agentima Mossada unajmiti automobil, bez uobičajene potrebne dokumentacije.Korištenje sayanima omogućuje Mossadu da djeluje s malim proračunom, ali ipak provodi goleme operacije diljem svijeta. Sayanimi mogu imati dvojno državljanstvo, ali često nisu građani Izraela.
Prema Gordonu Thomasu, bilo je 4000 sayanima u Britaniji i nekih 16000 u Sjedinjenim Državama 1998. godine. Izraelski studenti zvani bodlim često se koriste kao goferi za Mossad." (wiki)
Pozdrav. Idem sad pogledati koji video, prošli tjedni su mi bili nekako previše, nije bilo, idem sada. Mir i dobro tebi i familiji.
What does our Jack Heart say? Arabs are getting slapped around by schlomo wherever they meet. Why? Because their losing the war in Gaza. Gaza is cut in half now and divided by that new road to the sea by the IDF and now with Trump? You haven't seen anything yet. Schlomo along with his homo brigades of Evangelicals will back him till Tehran gets a secular government. Me thinks the Persians will be better off with schlomo however, that's debatable.