Richard Jameson Morgan The Iron Republic by Richard Jameson Morgan
I hope this will be not too confusing...
Something for your mind: you are told that you live on the BAL(L) forget BAAL
You read BAL you don’t say BALLLLL….
reversed and what you will get is the word: LAB….
BAL B ALL- BE ALL our MIND creates the reality…
Everybody talked about C/ OVID it is VOID
C is 3 Void has 4 words
what do you get 3+4 is 7 and 3x4 is 12 7+3 is 10 7x3 is 21 rest you can find yourself
just follow the simple math operations.
ALSO, C.O. VID is sight and DIV is giant in Slavic
/ˌsiːˈəʊ/ US
abbreviation for care of: used in addresses when the person you are writing to is staying at someone else's home
Explains Bluetooth IP addresses that can be found using your local Internet in Humans in your surroundings..remember that strange anomaly?
You are living in a state, what it really says:it is a STATE OF THE MIND
TERra I TORy TOR/DOR/ORT-Place operated by LAWS or WALS forced upon the mind of the individual/s.
PLANNET -PLANE AND NET one letter makes all the difference in the world..this is for the naysayers…
PLANE is Space -space is UNIVERSE-YOU ARE IN VERSE but IN VERTED(blinded, everything is upside down)
The Verse is created by your MIND
Word mInD like IDea has I.D. imprinted in the word herself.
REAL-AREAL-we added just one word…BS or is this how consciousness fills the missing links?
fare /fâr/
intransitive verb
To get along.
"How are you faring with your project?"
To happen or develop.
"How does it fare with you?"
To travel; go.
FEAR is fare—-FAR from Ar-
What and where is AR or RA?
Con is oN struck-stricken—struck by lightning
construct /kən-strŭkt′/
transitive verb
To form by assembling or combining parts; build.
To create (an argument or a sentence, for example) by systematically arranging ideas or terms.
To draw (a geometric figure) that meets specific requirements
What the mind does:
To form by assembling or combining parts; build.
To create (an argument or a sentence, for example) by systematically arranging ideas or terms.
To draw (a geometric figure) that meets specific requirements
First published as a monthly serial in Florida Magazine 1902, The Iron Republic tells an extraordinary story of Mr. E.W. Barrington’s sea journey in the late 1800’s to Antarctica where he found a passageway through the massive ice wall, and a highly developed civilization, both technologically and socially speaking. “Either as fact or fiction, it is a rare story and presents an ideal of society and government that will make the average reader long to be a citizen of the newly discovered Iron Republic.
“Instantly all was commotion, for a ship on a shore without wind is in as perilous condition as a steamer with a broken wheel. The bow anchor was quickly cleared and the lead cast, but there was no bottom and so to cast anchor would be useless. The current had now caught us and there was nothing for it but to head straight into the opening, or be broken to pieces on the icy promontories that stood out like Scylla and Charybdis on either hand. My heart bounded as we passed between the towering ice walls, and I felt a thrill of excitement such as Columbus must have experienced when the long looked for Antilles lifted on his expectant vision.”
This eBook edition of the 1902 original has been carefully edited for errors and is as true to the original as possible.
So whatever is written in this book there is a high possibility that reality in this book is presented as an allegory written for those who can decipher the words and find the real Exit.
ICE WALL-WHITE around your eyes is Antarctica and Dark in the center of your EYE is THE BLACK HOLE…
But people can think in abstract ways they need hard proof, matter, something SOLID (SOL- I.D.)to be able to BELIVE.BE aLIVE-come to live
When you say Flat EARTH you are saying FLAT Heart flatlining yourself it is a psyop…very, very good-made psyop.
It is better to say HELL I O CENTRIC or GEO CENTRIC?
They both are SYSTEMS or MODELS-CON STRUCTS… is there really a difference?
Hel (Old Norse Hel, “Hidden”[1]) is a giantess and/or goddess who rules over the identically-named Hel, the underworld where many of the dead dwell. Her name’s meaning of “Hidden” surely has to do with the underworld and the dead being “hidden” or buried beneath the ground.
According to the thirteenth-century Icelandic scholar Snorri Sturluson, Hel is the daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboda (Old Norse Angrboða, “Anguish-boding”), and therefore the sister of the wolf Fenrir and the world serpent, Jormungand.[2] This makes her part of a highly dangerous and disreputable family.
Hel is generally presented as being rather greedy, harsh, and cruel, or at least indifferent to the concerns of both the living and the dead. However, her personality is little-developed in what survives of Old Norse literature. She’s mostly mentioned only in passing. Snorri describes her appearance as being half-black, half-white, and with a perpetually grim and fierce expression on her face.[3]
The only surviving myth in which she features prominently is that of The Death of Baldur. The beloved god Baldur was slain by none other than Hel’s father, Loki, and the gods sent an emissary named Hermod to Hel in hopes of retrieving Baldur. Hermod pleaded with Hel, telling her how every living thing was in sorrow over the loss of Baldur. But Hel wouldn’t give up her prize so easily. She told Hermod – in a taunting way, we can imagine – that she would only consent to release Baldur if every last thing in the universe wept for him. Hermod and the other gods went around and got almost everything in the cosmos to weep for Baldur. Only one giantess, who was probably Loki in disguise, refused. But because of that one refusal, the terms of Hel’s offer weren’t met, and Hel kept Baldur in her cold clutches.
Because of how sparsely-defined her character is, many scholars view Hel as more of a late literary personification of the grave than a goddess who was actually worshiped or appeased in her own right.[4] Due to the lack of conclusive evidence either way, this must remain an open question.
Looking for more great information on Norse mythology and religion? While this site provides the ultimate online introduction to the topic, my book The Viking Spirit provides the ultimate introduction to Norse mythology and religion period. I’ve also written a popular list of The 10 Best Norse Mythology Books, which you’ll probably find helpful in your pursuit.
Difference between knowing and believing: I already have explained in my previous workings, and is far superior to anything you will find on the internet…
Happy reading and thinking
I am sorry but like once before the screen has started to flicker...if anything is out of place my apologies.
I don't have time to edit is what it is.