Robert Anton Wilson - Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley
There are excellent parts here, and there are utterly bad parts—plain, almost basic misunderstandings of how magick flows through the pinpoints and epicenters of your agreed reality.
“Few people are aware of Marvel Whiteside Parsons (a.k.a Jack Parsons), co-founder of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratories. Parsons made major contributions to rocket development, particularly in the area of solid fuel propellant. The solid motors on the Space Shuttle and the motors in the Minuteman missile were based on the solid propellant technology that he invented. He was a founding member of Aerojet Corporation, and he even has a crater on the dark side of the moon named after him. So why isn’t he as celebrated as the other founding fathers of spaceflight? Aleister Crowley, born Edward Alexander Crowley, was a British occultist, writer, mountaineer, philosopher, poet, mystic, drug experimenter, and chess player. He was an influential member in several occult organizations, including the Golden Dawn, the A∴A∴, and Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), and is best known today for his occult writings, especially The Book of the Law, the central sacred text of Thelema. He gained much notoriety during his lifetime, and was infamously dubbed "The Wickedest Man in the World."“
Intellectual Deep Web
What is the most important thing to master, learn to hear yourself, understand yourself, and don’t be a mechanical symbiote or prisoner of another man’s thought… your mistakes must be yours, and only then you and your conscience will start to learn and the pathway for a brighter future will be shown.
Be yourself at yourself, for yourself by understanding others who are set free and sentient.
The abyss is only a reflex expressed as an abomination if you are redirected to the ways of others, because when the abyss is staring into your eyes, there will be no place to hide, and all the untold conundrum of your lies will be your tectonic silence that has nothing to give or say.
But love yourself, like you love others, and love others like you love yourself, and the unseen substance entangled in a whirlpool of cosmos will speak to you in ways you could never imagine… In the end, the robotic instance, the stigmatic presence of lower existence will be dissolved, and the new, previously undetected man will be born… He will be weightless, without gravity, but brimming with a force that could pull a star together.
A star can only be born if he or she understands its own powers, inner amplitudes, and devaluations of self-recognition, and knows its romantic domain and fragile boundaries, its own mortal and immortal restrictions, and this most cherished light, this cosmic rose, which is always balanced and never again unstable, absorbs the gentle power of cosmic winds, and like the lightest feather brimming with the power of a dark star, it becomes a living choice with the brightest crown, reborn in previously impossible conditions
The mind is a damned and blessed creature, illuminated and presented as the most troubling opposition, always wanted under outside pressure but always recaptured as something impossibly kind. Only you are the chosen light bearer, the one who will find him… but on this daunting and blessed road, you can never be blind. There is a profound difference between a star and the term mankind.
HP 2024
Let’s say this is a sketch for future work; it will probably be longer, and maybe a poem will find its way into this, let’s call it an expose. I think it’s already clear and obvious to everyone that I am using Substack as a place for future ideas/thoughtful acts. I mean, it is enemy territory; you must be a blessed fool not to see what mischievous deeds are happening on this site.
All the Best to all and yes it is Friday…again…LOL
I will probably not be able to respond, so if you by any chance leave a comment or two… I can’t answer you back, that’s it. I am not being rude.
Magick never works for shekels, eh?
I only listened to eight minutes, that's my threshold of endurance for listening to someone expound upon what I already know. The man said nothing wrong, and the piece is worth it just for your text. Like everything else in America Libertarianism has been given a hideous Christian face, causing many sentient people to dismiss it outright. I should tell you right now that the inventor of the dark web, I forget his name, was a libertarian. He made the dark web, at great risk to himself, because he felt no fat misshapen red-faced Christian pedophile had the right to tell another human what they could put into their own body. Like myself he didn't even take drugs, but he knew they should be readily available to those that wanted them. Hallucinogenic drugs are part of the program for the NSA and NASA, this I know for a fact because I've been invited to the island in the Bahamas where their given. The only reason I didn't go is because I had already undergone the Quickening as it is defined in the movie Highlander. First it was prohibition then the war on drugs. The bestial Christian is never happy unless they are stifling their neighbor. Even Jesus told them to remove the beam from their own eye before they attempt to remove the splinter from another's. To that I would add remove your penus from your child's anal passage too. Parsons wanted the Christians Judged for all the harm they have done to humanity but most of all he wanted their god dead. Now me, frankly I don't give a dam about what any human being wants but it was Her who put Parsons up to it and for Her I will deliver...