Razor sharp, on the mark, HP & Jack. The legal industry/racket in the U.S. is perhaps the most evil entity in recorded history and I am not exaggerating one scintilla. It has ruthlessly and maliciously destroyed countless lives of innocent people, in both its criminal and civil jurisdictions. As a former pro se litigant, I could go on for hours about those sons and daughters of pox riddled whores, the lawyers who comprise it. (a judge is just a lawyer in a black Halloween costume). Freemasonic swine and criminal racketeers, the lot of them. In a sane and just society (which we most definitively do not have), these vermin would be forced to do something more suitable to their characters for a living, like digging sewer trenches, and their satanic court buildings upgraded to whore houses.

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"The Police, the Court and the Judge were all very professional and very good at their jobs." Yes Sven they are but the problem is you are totally unsuitable for yours. This is the real reason for the Ukranian meat grinder. In eastern Europe the populace would kill the Police, the Court and the Judge which is the normal reaction of an indigenous population who are being replaced in their homeland by an alien population by this very same Police, Court and Judge. This is the reaction of any healthy indigenous population faced with this circumstance whether they be White, Black, Yellow or Red, read a history book. And this is the reason the war in the Ukraine must be spread to the entirety of Eastern Europe to kill as many healthy White Men as possible if their dreams of Pan Europia are ever to be realized.

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If you, Defendant, survive court with even a hint of mercy (fuggedabout justice) by a lotto ticket, cuz it's your lucky day. If you play MMORPGs or otherwise subscribe to the notion that, like magic's mana, there is a finite amount of luck in the world at any particular time and figure that that mercy you got in court was probably more than you had a right to expect, spend the $2 on a self-defense item (a real life one, not the Jewel Encrusted Sword of XYZ), get back to your guildmates and go rob a dungeon.

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When being cautioned by the cops you are informed you have the right to remain silent ,excercise that immediately when they ask you your name stay silent,play the system at its own game,represent yourself in court and claim the fee , the judge will tell you that you will have a fool for a client, laugh at him and claim diminished responsibility ,and add could they call you Susan and what time is dinner being served

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“Klaatu barata nikto “

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