
Steiner is a little whiner, he was there when Empire made their plans so he has no choice but to learn how to dance...

You can insert this somewhere in the poem of your own volition...

Staeinerism is pacifism....and that is the Goal of the Empire,dont fight,dont pick up your guns just whine and protest..and yes dont forget to tweet 50000 times in one day...

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No sense kicking Steiners corpse HP, he's just as dead as his fans. I see they wasted no time, just like my cousin, in posting that plagiarizing diminutive Jews take on our research. Well as the song goes you ain't seen nothing yet.

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Agreed, I added this line just in case...

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Masterfully mesmerizing, HP. In this realm of base matter, we Aryans are aliens from the Elysian fields beyond the stars. Our eternal alien nemesis spawns from the black void of their daddy, the Demiurge. When the flesh expires, you return to from whence you came. Ragnarok will expedite the trip home for one and all.

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Thank you, my friend.

Excellent comment.

Cheers brother.

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Thank you and Cheers to you, Brother. Sinn Fein & 88!

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