It should be kept in mind that this man not only wears a duck shirt but a diaper too, as I believe all unmarried Morman's are required too. I've never met a Mormon that was not clinically insane and matching this guy against Hillman is like matching Mitch McConnell against Oleksandr Usyk in a fistfight...
Well, the shirt gives away his levels of intelligence, I lasted almost 30 minutes...I believe somewhere in the multiverse this counts as one lifetime.
But fair is fair let's hear the "other side", cough, cough...soon MMA match, probably sponsored by Mexican Martial Arts, man that would be quality entertainment.
Whatever one wants to think about Hillman, and that might be a different post entirely, his point on language and complexity was spot on. The Mormon doesn't understand that a difference in idioms between Greek and Hebrew only means they were different languages. It does not prove that Hebrew was older, or the original language of the Septuagint. If he is going to claim, like most politically minded scholars do, that the Hebrew came first, then where are the quotes and references from contemporary literature?
This, frankly is the primary reason why so much of what passes for abrahamic history is simply fiction. All those sunday school lessons have entrained child-minds on virulent lies for centuries. No evidence needed in the field of faith.
Well, it is always funny to me when believers call themself scholars, first words beats the meaning of the second...this is why these "scholars" in continuity must invent evidences that something, actually existed. Faith these days has lost itself in the vile sea filled with meaningless rumblings of people with many letters in front of their names and surnames. The Truth is a timeless voyage into the vastness of knowing but never at one point of this sainted voyage is the traveler devoided from the voice of a higher form of spirituality. When man realizes he or she does not know anything worth knowing then search and voyage into knowing can begin. This endeavor demands extreme humility and unstoppable bravery to admit to yourself how much you dont know.
And how many can leave all that they have learned so far in their lives and is totally meaningless, behind...and start from scratch?
It is always an easier path to attach yourself to Abrahamic myth, this illusion works for you, even when you are in psychical sleep and you are
automatically absolved from true responsibility just because you believe and all believers will be saved by the act of believing in a supernatural deity.
When you sin, well... fall on your knees, say 25 Hail Maries and all sins are magically forgiven....nope it does not work like this...there is a reason why the catholic priest says: sin no more and most importantly, dont come here again, he absolves himself from responsibility and bad karma.
All true HP, yet I have to wonder at the appeal of any religion that succeeds by making one feel like shit. Of course, I wonder at a lot of things these days...
Daniel Kristos (Ba'al Busters) has been featuring this 'debate' between Ammon Hillman (studied Ancient Greek for 35 years) and 'Duck Tales' Dan McClellan (Mormon Biblical scholar). This is all very stunning but so new, I don't have an opinion yet.
Latest episode in the series ...
• Diving Deeper into the Mysteries with Ammon plus News - Ba'al Busters
More evidence that the unholy bible puts the empty vessel human into a hypnotic trance. Or two.
Let's go with the number two...🙃🍺
It should be kept in mind that this man not only wears a duck shirt but a diaper too, as I believe all unmarried Morman's are required too. I've never met a Mormon that was not clinically insane and matching this guy against Hillman is like matching Mitch McConnell against Oleksandr Usyk in a fistfight...
Well, the shirt gives away his levels of intelligence, I lasted almost 30 minutes...I believe somewhere in the multiverse this counts as one lifetime.
But fair is fair let's hear the "other side", cough, cough...soon MMA match, probably sponsored by Mexican Martial Arts, man that would be quality entertainment.
Zuzu and Mormonic Bible Beast...totally uncut and uncensored version three rounds, no gloves allowed...
Hillman will have him projection vomiting and spinning three sixties with his head before the first minute of the first round is over HP
"I lasted almost 30 minutes"
LOL you are younger than me.
We should have run the Evola thing but because I did Hillman, I felt obligated to give the Mormon Mummy here a shot at him.
Whatever one wants to think about Hillman, and that might be a different post entirely, his point on language and complexity was spot on. The Mormon doesn't understand that a difference in idioms between Greek and Hebrew only means they were different languages. It does not prove that Hebrew was older, or the original language of the Septuagint. If he is going to claim, like most politically minded scholars do, that the Hebrew came first, then where are the quotes and references from contemporary literature?
This, frankly is the primary reason why so much of what passes for abrahamic history is simply fiction. All those sunday school lessons have entrained child-minds on virulent lies for centuries. No evidence needed in the field of faith.
Well, it is always funny to me when believers call themself scholars, first words beats the meaning of the second...this is why these "scholars" in continuity must invent evidences that something, actually existed. Faith these days has lost itself in the vile sea filled with meaningless rumblings of people with many letters in front of their names and surnames. The Truth is a timeless voyage into the vastness of knowing but never at one point of this sainted voyage is the traveler devoided from the voice of a higher form of spirituality. When man realizes he or she does not know anything worth knowing then search and voyage into knowing can begin. This endeavor demands extreme humility and unstoppable bravery to admit to yourself how much you dont know.
And how many can leave all that they have learned so far in their lives and is totally meaningless, behind...and start from scratch?
It is always an easier path to attach yourself to Abrahamic myth, this illusion works for you, even when you are in psychical sleep and you are
automatically absolved from true responsibility just because you believe and all believers will be saved by the act of believing in a supernatural deity.
When you sin, well... fall on your knees, say 25 Hail Maries and all sins are magically forgiven....nope it does not work like this...there is a reason why the catholic priest says: sin no more and most importantly, dont come here again, he absolves himself from responsibility and bad karma.
All true HP, yet I have to wonder at the appeal of any religion that succeeds by making one feel like shit. Of course, I wonder at a lot of things these days...
Well if this is a "success" then I wonder what failure will look like...wink, wink.
But that said, I think we both know the answer.
Nothing, my friend soon I will have to go, I wish you a great day.
Wasn't jesus a jew? Then Ammon's proposition doesn't sound as crazy after all ;)
A ghostly apparition of the Joow...maybe..the science is not settled, yet on this ageless question.🙃🍺
Daniel Kristos (Ba'al Busters) has been featuring this 'debate' between Ammon Hillman (studied Ancient Greek for 35 years) and 'Duck Tales' Dan McClellan (Mormon Biblical scholar). This is all very stunning but so new, I don't have an opinion yet.
Latest episode in the series ...
• Diving Deeper into the Mysteries with Ammon plus News - Ba'al Busters
Starts at 6:45 – Ammon - features
• Ammon U: Basic Training - Ancient Greek Lesson 5 – Ammon Hillman - Lady Babylon
1:13:00 – Ammon – Paul’s Boys on Lady Babylon
• Paul's Boys – Ammon Hillman - Lady Babylon
• Ammon Hillman Streams – Lady Babylon
Thanks for this