Jon Valentine Lee and I were just discussing Kali and the Black Madonna or Saint Sarah as the Gypsies call her. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Sarah

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Jun 19Author

You know me i have this trouble with the timing...LOL

I told them all who understand..dont waste my f time,do something or suffer the consequences.

Lets see what Stew will do a big open barbeque or something real...and i know whose money is behind him,but i will give him an clean slate for a change if he has the balls to do something usefull,honey pot operation will not do.

I told you i will leave him out of it(satire-poem).

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I know Stupider, let's see what kind of "warlord" he is. Yea its crazy how in tune you are. That's what's making you so many friends in the worlds intell communities. They would like to put you under a microscope and study you but alas as fate would have it all they can do is shadow you...

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