"Maybe, you are, too stupid to live..." HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD!! hmmmm where have I heard this before! Lots here are already "dead" that's why they are so stupid and eat this shit up. Its all scripted as we can plainly see.

Makow has a good post of how Putin/Tucker wearing the same masonic wristbands. Those bands show they are very high level Masons or some other cult. How about Tucker and Biden wearing the exact same color tie and the exact same day of the interview? Ukraine colors at that! There are NO COINCIDENCES! We are living in the "land of the dead" we cannot save everyone and everyone is not worth saving at this point.

“A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.” G Gurdjieff

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Notice how Putin expressed his undying love for the Bushes? I thought maybe Putin would pull a old photo from his wallet of him and Bush riding horses together at the Crawford Ranch. What a joke and jerks from every country on Twitter eat it up. The only real part of it was when Carlson asked him if he saw something supernatural about this whole thing, LOL. What do you think guys, something supernatural seized control of the global steering wheel?

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You are right, it was a travesty of epic proportions, served as a cold, uneatable dish. But we can play this game too....I will leave things at that.


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Feb 11, 2024
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Well said, Cheers Brother!🍻

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