Not only Christian homosexuality but rampant Christian incest as well permeates the Bible. Along with murder, genocide, torture, and a plethora of deviancies. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, was a biological Jew. I call them, the Jew-suits. The Tribe and their Freemasonic sycophants captured the Roman "church" centuries ago, if not from its inception. Along with their Hebraic overlords, there is no bigger promoter of miscegenation. As for me, I have no use for a god who demands I kneel, bow and scrape before him. Before my eternal Father, Khristos Lucifer, I will stand proudly and look him in the eye with respect, love, honor, loyalty, and unlimited admiration. Fuck the Demiurge, his Archons, and hail Hyperborean Aryan victory! Thank you for this, HP, much appreciated.

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Great comment, as they say: I rest my case!

Much love Brother! 88.88

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Thank you, HP, my Brother and comrade. Be well , stay strong, 88! & Sinn Fein!

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In Catholicism the crucifixion itself is a sadomasochistic pornographic image. A thousand years of emasculation through this accursed religion. You can see the results for yourself in the West...

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Well said, you have to be blind, deaf, and stupid not to see the evil in your actions and where your holy "faith" has led you.

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My "faith" has led me to right where I need to be at this most evil time in the history of this world.

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Hold the phone, there. As a practicing Catholic the Crucifix hammers home, in my heart and soul, what one man endured for my redemption. I am, in no way, perversely affected by it.

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The acknowledged greatest biblical scholar, "classicist," of our time might beg to disagree with you ts1213 https://jackheartblog.org/wp/2024/06/jesus-christ-a-drug-addled-homosexual-pedophilic-pimp-but-love-him-anyway-for-what-he-really-was/.html

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Whoever he is he can go right on thinking as he chooses. that is both his and anyone else's prerogative who is of similar thought process. I know what works for myself.

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6. So now listen to what we were able to fathom:

7. The whole thing is about religious sectarian fanatical energies, which are emitted in billions of times the number of human beings affected by delusions of godliness and which accumulate.

8. In this way they become a huge power, which accumulates worldwide in carriers of electricity and causes such phenomena as you have described to me repeatedly.

9. The origins are the sectarian-religious thoughts that send out electromagnetic impulses that are inserted into the carriers of electricity, especially into the generators, transformers and distribution stations of the power stations, from where they spread through the electrical carriers and produce their strange and manifold effects wherever anti-religious and anti-sectarian efforts appear.

10. In this way, the energies in question become independent and become a power that acts independently in the sense of the believers who are afflicted by the delusion of faith, in the way you have described it several times in the past.

11. In the same way, this powerful energy also has a direct effect on all the human beings who are unstable in faith, billions of times over, so that they are so influenced by religion and sectarianism that they are unable to free themselves from their delusions of faith, while other unstable believers fall into delusion and become unrealistic and untruthful.

12. This also results in religious sectarian terrorism, as was the case, for example, with the Christian crusaders and witch-delusionists as well as with Islam and the Cali sect in India and various other religious sects, but is also the case today with Islamist and political terrorism etc.

13. Religious sectarianism wields tremendous power and leads the human beings to seek revenge and retaliation in the name of their faith, as well as to commit delusional murders and mass murders of many kinds, proving that a religious sectarian faith is absolutely not harmless.

14. It is also a fact that many death penalty claims are attributed to religious and sectarian believers, with many of them invoking the false and inhumane principle of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, which is contrary to natural creational laws and recommendations.

15. The might of the religious-sectarian thought-swinging waves, which are of an electromagnetic nature, thus combine with the swinging waves of electricity, which form the actual factor of carrying and spreading, and since everything possible and impossible worldwide is based on electrification, this forms the best medium for spreading the dangerous religious and sectarian vibrations everywhere and allowing them to take effect.

16. And finally, there are also the mobile phones, which you call mobile phones, through which the vibrations are transmitted directly into the human beings.

17. This enables the religious, sectarian, aggressive swinging wave to manifest itself in the consciousness, causing much behavioural harm to unstable human beings, because they cannot control the accompanying aggressiveness, but rather implement it thoughtlessly through correspondingly evil actions and deeds, which can lead to anarchism and the harassment, bullying, beating and even the killing and effective murder of fellow human beings.

18. And in order to ward off all these evil and negative effects, there are unfortunately no countermeasures that could be taken, because it should be possible to block every single degenerated thought impulse of the religious or sectarian delusional believers.

19. This is impossible, however, because the number of religious or sectarian delusional believers is estimated at more than six billion (6,000,000,000).

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