Assange is a psy-op as well as a female to male, transsexual androgyne, like most if not all of the Cryptocracy's actors. Further, he is an agent or asset of the Israeli Mossad. In the thousands of pages of Wikileaks, allegedly documenting high crimes of the System, Israel, the most vicious and criminal enclave on earth is not mentioned once. Not a single, fucking time. Hardly an oversight.

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Jul 1Edited

This is why I have inserted the Ecuador "story", you really need to be off your rockers if you believe that a small country like Ecuador can dictate the terms of international law to the Empire, back in the days, when they were untouchable and almost uncontested.

How can you be in Solitary confinement with a tan..gtfo...

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You're right on it, HP. At this time, Ecuador is coming apart at the seams, like many other countries on earth. All by Hidden Hand design. Like a stack of dominoes they will all fall. Depopulation is in full swing. Chow for the Demiurge and his Archons. Let those cosmic cocksuckers enjoy it while they can, before the face Kalki the Avenger, The Fuhrer and his Last Battalion.

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How about 9/11 was the result of Arabs with boxcutters? Anyone with any common sense should dismiss him after that one, just like I dismissed that homo Tucker Carlson when I heard the video played here a long time ago.

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Carlson is as phony as a federal reserve note, an actor for the System's Left Wing, Right Wing control cage. He's there to foster the illusion of the Blight Wing idiots that they a voice and a say in how their nothing lives are directed. I think Carlson is a Tranny as well as he possesses numerous physical traits that are exclusive to a real, biological female. Those freaks are ubiquitous now.

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Yea Icke is psyop, first big-name Michael interviewed...

But he's good enough so I can honestly say if he reads my books, I can make him into another monster...

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Jul 1Edited

Speaking about monsters if they have the balls, maybe you will get the call, for certain debate...They are looking for the right man...Debate has been provoked,well let us see, how independent their channel really is.Comment with your link is still up,it has been not deleted.

To be honest, this occurrence is a surprise even for me...

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