Who would have thought that this rich kid, growing up in privilege would have turned out to be such an ass? I knew plenty of try-hard wiggers at school too. Fender guitars, the latest DJ/P.A. equipment, negligeable talent, no real mates...Fast forward and this fella has obviously got his father's car-dealer talent for business, reinventing himself as Bob Seger meets the Beastie Boys via stolen Billy Joel songs, and a little ditty entitled 'I am the Bull God'...

All his gay-bashing and going Cougar murdering with Ted Nugent strikes me as a little dubious too. When discussing this with my brother his response to this 'ordained minister' and self-proclaimed 'American badass/redneck pimp' was 'no shit, Yid Rock!' He tongues the bagel most enthusiastically, awaiting his next feculence of steaming shekels from uncle Schlomo...

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All this wankers are a tribute, cover bands/acts...this is the devastating tragedy that haunts our existence, how many talented honorable people we have lost because they were not ready or willing to sell their souls to corporate overlords...they ended up flipping burgers or some meaningless office job, that probably sucked the life out of them...I tried to listen to the music of this "great American talent" Kid Rock...it is all garbage...all pumped up artificially... pitch corrected and autotuned into oblivion.

And I know everyone uses this these days, but this guy is a talentless asshole.

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Just about all of them now HP, I can't get no satisfaction from art or the media anymore, if it's not Kike Rock its Schlomo Jones, and as far as politics, lets break that word down: Poly which means many and Tick a blood sucking parasite...

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It can be found, but certainly not in the mainstream or even alt media...but we knew what was coming our way...90 percent of humanity is in some way insane, they can not think properly... Let's say insanity doesn't make brilliant art or produce quality artists.

it's funny when people ask me how many are sentient here: I always ask them, do they want a feel-good version or a scary one.

The problem with the right, the so-called right they made out of them a reactionary faction...few are producing something of value...if people who can do certain things, talented people start to use their abilities so so-called left would not stand a chance...censure or not.

All puppets are positioned to disturb the process of creation, but this will change at first slowly and then rapidly as we come closer to 2025.

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A soulless musical shit-shoveller!

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I was wondering what to write for the cross post, thank you Jon.

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Agreed, he nailed it...two thumbs up.

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