I have tasted this honey. It’s also very sweet among other ingredients.

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An amazing documentary, but the effects seemed to me like you had to serve a tough 'apprenticeship'. I'll stick to the magic mushies that spring from the soil of my country. I seem to relate to the effects, which can however, sometimes feel overwhelming. DMT is something else, but I think that must be used ceremonially, and after cleansing and fasting. When I lived in Sussex, I was introduced to the Thorn Apple, AKA 'Sussex Mad apple'- Datura Stramonium. I was not tempted to try a brew, but heard some stories concerning its effects, not all of them pleasant...

The account of troops summoned to Jamestown to quell Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia is very amusing. They unwisely ate hearty amounts of the Jamestown Weed, and were 'up on the Christmas Tree' for days. Hence the American name 'Jimson Weed'.

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