I listened to the first thirty minutes and the last thirty. Very good he's figured out that the sun is simulated which is why they took down his YouTube video. I liked the last thirty minutes when he explained to the Christians where they're going but he's still got a long way to go himself. Just because you've learned to add 2 + 2 to get 4 it does not qualify you to teach a course on Quantum physics. It's a shame they won't let guys like him read us and he's left with trying to Understand the world he is in through the likes of sages like David Icke whom he quotes much to my disgust. If they don't let us speak, if they will not let anyone know I can perform better miracles than bejesus supposedly did, if they continue to contain us so they may freely maintain their position at the top of the pile of shit they call their world, then when that Quantum leap does come, we will take very few with us. Which is why I've learned to hate them with unbounded enthusiasm, that and they force me to operate out of a basement in Tennessee. LOL. He is a child who has not yet even grasped the principles of the animating force, alternating currents. He needs less Icke and more Telsa. Yes, Love is the positive current, but Hate is the negative and neither does much of anything without the other...
In a sense, it is beyond good and evil. Love can consume just as hate does. You don’t have to be a Shaolin master to know that as a provable fact. Yeah, I cringed too when he used Icke, but this is where nice people pointed him. You can use hate as love and love as hate. If I slap you, you’re not feeling love; you’re feeling something else. So this feel-good New Age mantra works only in the movies. That all said: I personally love miracles; they make you wonder... 😉
Sretna ti Nova i idem pogledati video - ovo jako obećava. Ne znam kako je bilo kod tebe, no ovdje kod mene su carevale petarde i nekakvi vatrometi .... nikada kraja. Nakon rata imam "manji" problem sa tim petardama i izbjegavam svaku situaciju na otvorenom gdje su petarde. Ujutro su mi ovi moji frendovi bili na kavi - razrađujemo konstruktivnu strategiju za otpor petardašima. Uživaj i budite dobro...
Za divno cudo,aritljerija je prestala za nekih 15-20 min,na moje izrazito zadovoljstvo,i na srecu svih onih koji imaju kucne ljubimce.Ljudi za Novu godinu moraju ic van Zagreba da psi i macke ne nastradaju...eto sve sam ti reko.
Hvala ti,isto zelim i tebi,puno dobre zabave,klope i jos boljeg drustva.
Proselytizing Christians is useless when they "lay down the hard lines" that are meaningless and don't even understand anyway. He got that right.
I listened to the first thirty minutes and the last thirty. Very good he's figured out that the sun is simulated which is why they took down his YouTube video. I liked the last thirty minutes when he explained to the Christians where they're going but he's still got a long way to go himself. Just because you've learned to add 2 + 2 to get 4 it does not qualify you to teach a course on Quantum physics. It's a shame they won't let guys like him read us and he's left with trying to Understand the world he is in through the likes of sages like David Icke whom he quotes much to my disgust. If they don't let us speak, if they will not let anyone know I can perform better miracles than bejesus supposedly did, if they continue to contain us so they may freely maintain their position at the top of the pile of shit they call their world, then when that Quantum leap does come, we will take very few with us. Which is why I've learned to hate them with unbounded enthusiasm, that and they force me to operate out of a basement in Tennessee. LOL. He is a child who has not yet even grasped the principles of the animating force, alternating currents. He needs less Icke and more Telsa. Yes, Love is the positive current, but Hate is the negative and neither does much of anything without the other...
In a sense, it is beyond good and evil. Love can consume just as hate does. You don’t have to be a Shaolin master to know that as a provable fact. Yeah, I cringed too when he used Icke, but this is where nice people pointed him. You can use hate as love and love as hate. If I slap you, you’re not feeling love; you’re feeling something else. So this feel-good New Age mantra works only in the movies. That all said: I personally love miracles; they make you wonder... 😉
Sretna ti Nova i idem pogledati video - ovo jako obećava. Ne znam kako je bilo kod tebe, no ovdje kod mene su carevale petarde i nekakvi vatrometi .... nikada kraja. Nakon rata imam "manji" problem sa tim petardama i izbjegavam svaku situaciju na otvorenom gdje su petarde. Ujutro su mi ovi moji frendovi bili na kavi - razrađujemo konstruktivnu strategiju za otpor petardašima. Uživaj i budite dobro...
Za divno cudo,aritljerija je prestala za nekih 15-20 min,na moje izrazito zadovoljstvo,i na srecu svih onih koji imaju kucne ljubimce.Ljudi za Novu godinu moraju ic van Zagreba da psi i macke ne nastradaju...eto sve sam ti reko.
Hvala ti,isto zelim i tebi,puno dobre zabave,klope i jos boljeg drustva.