Of course, no mention of Jack Heart is ever to be made even when entire paragraphs are plundered from Ragnarök III Loki’s Revenge but that is the price of being Jack Heart. For those of you who don't know meet the new neighbors...


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Jun 15Edited

Yeah, I must admit it sounded awkwardly familiar, and now we have zee confirmation.

Interestingly, you can find the "neighbors" as you call them with relative ease through the period of 1920- 1930 but in today's human eyes, they are just playthings/toys for the kids, nothing more than imaginary creatures from the game called Dungeons & Dragons and online Cthulhu mythology translated into online valuables- exchanging cards.

I mean, if turn one rock from the 1920s "fantasy literature" at least one neighbor will jump up even without trying.

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Yes, Who Goes There? the award winning 1938 science fiction horror novella by American author John W. Campbell, written under the pen name Don A. Stuart describes our agglutination neighbors also in great detail. I don't mind paying the price HP for what I get in return, I wouldn't trade places with anyone or anything in this world, remember that when you might have to be me one day...

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Jack, we will cross that bridge when we get there..for now, stay healthy, write that fine book of yours, and eat spinach or meat, whatever you prefer. I hope the deer is still in the freezer.😉🍺

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Way back in 1992, an animated "childrens" movie, "Ferngully: The Last Rainforest" featured a character called Hexxxus (of course, no pun intended there), which is as graphic a presentation of the "black goo" personified as I can imagine, down to the bizarre dialogue. Someone was planting a message

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