
81/9 82/10 83/11 84/12

9+10+11+12 is 42

42: "The answer to life, the universe and everything"


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DREAM-DRE-RED I am---YOU will see RED if you fall for this deception. E or /I EYE is on the cross/below, following most basic urges....like we can see today.... it is a display of decadence of the decedent. All they want is sleep, eat, and F...

RED is also the color of communism-Hammer will bash you and the sickle will take your head off.

A byproduct of these actions is pools of blood/Violence.

RED-E-RDE-you will be crawling in the dirt, where your level of conscience "belongs"...a soul/less Vessel-empty ARC.

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The revelation of Isais

For our Italian friends: A translation made by a student of the University of Florence

(41) Verily I tell you I will show you beyond, I will show you what is: the return seeks Shaddain (Jehovah) in the earthly world cities and towns, seas and ravines, deserts and forests, meadows and mountains. They the sources of anguish, drenching the history of nations in blood, behaving like a god. acting like a god.

(42) Many is the grimace of evil, springing from the joints of the earth everywhere, many heads

are its tearing jaws. No sword stroke can divide them all.

(43) Seas of flame will roar over the lands long before the worm

perish. Cunning feeds the belly of the evil one, makes the shadow caster powerful.

(44) Who will stop the horror, until the jar of clear water is opened?

So persevere! Stand by for all ages, until the hour of the victorious sword is fulfilled.

Then shall the banner fly high in the storm of victorious battle,

when the ray of the pitcher of water envelops the terrestrial world.

(45) The day is still far away, the hour of victory. The clouds are gathering to release lightning.

(46) Rich in light, O kingdom of light, the keel of the ship breaks, only debris lands on the shore of evil. Read about the pieces, keep them carefully for a new workd the ship of victory was there once. When the ray blows the sail - from beyond comes through the sun of Ilu, invisible - then it's time.

(47) Peek through the starry world, look up at the bull's head. He carries the spear. He measures from the stars from the bull's head to the water jug. Under the center he hides the black and purple stone.

(48) Black stone, mighty. Isais once retrieved it from the hellish abyss, besting the Prince of Shadows who stole it from Valhalla.

(49) To this end Isaias used cunning, cut her hair into cubes and wore children's clothes to deceive the guards of Shaddain. So she entered the dark pit of hell, to save the black and purple stone:

(50) Mighty is his power, to summon the light of the vessel of water. Hail to the wise! Hail to the wise Hail to the wise who follow advice. They will be powerful.

(51) Women's hair contains magical power. They capture otherworldly vibes in this world. The longer it moves in symmetry, the more light power it acquires. But there remains a threat in the dark times, for Shaddain wishes to do harm.

(52) Stormy spirits, magical vibratory power, sometimes choose the girl's long hair as a refuge. It is good most of the time, it gives a lot, it gives the ability to work through the will. Those in the courtyard and at the hearth, all in the light, she keeps them long, really very long.

(53) But those who openly fight against the darkness better shorten it, as Isais did with during her journey to hell.

(54) Wherever darkness prevails, some of its vibrations easily nestle in the hair of magically working women. if they are longer than necessary; but the measure of half a cubit is necessary.

(55) Man is mighty in battle with sword and by virtue of his will - but woman works magically. the woman works.

(56) Recognize the signs in the sky. Those who are called feel it, the elect understand it, call it (or think). they understand it, they call me (or they think): From the light of the moon, from the darkness of the night, you come out, sister Isai', who has always seen me, who has always thought of me .

(57) The stone appears black - yet it is luminous. Elementary part - unspeakably strong. The strength of man drives it guides him, that of the woman rejuvenates him, makes the army of Valhalla effective.

(58) His native people, the victory he grants, the certainty of a thousand-year duration. In the mountain of Vodin he rests rest the power. He hears the sound of voices, the language of the elect, he does not like strangers. She is unaware - yet it is like the facts; it is purplish-black rock - yet it shines the power of life. THE, Isaias, the virgin whom I have chosen for you, who speaks to you, I give the stone to your tribe.

(59) Whoever kisses Isaias mouth, neck and hair will be kissed again by the spirit of Isaias. The

I will hear what is true, but my claw will strike what is false.

(60) So I show myself to you, so that you can make yourself an image, be it of wood, bronze or stone. In that picture I move into that image to reign as a sister among the righteous.


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I almost forgot about the pet goat; it was making the rounds in my earliest days as a writer. Seeing it again the imagery, particularly the black goo snake and the Goat of Mendes (worn on the patches of Davos security) seems precognizant. Leave it to the French, even the French Canadians or should I say the Grand Orient, I seem to remember something about a group suicide in the early eighties extending from Canada to France. Preston Nichols says the Montauk Project came online in the early eighties round about the same time I was seeing the things I did in East Islip. This makes me want to publish 7,8 and 9 of Behind the Bush where I believe the Pet Goat was used as a reference but I'll resist the temptation, Gordon Duff may still be alive and that would make me what we Americans call an Indian giver. I think the moral of the story here is Jesus cannot save you. He/she cannot even save herself...

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Superb, HP. The Judaic New Agers bray like jackasses in a pepper patch that all is one, and the goal is to merge into one indistinguishable blob of kosher bliss. They can stick it where the sun don't shine. I've never felt one with everybody and everything and I never will. Because we walk the same ground that rats may traverse does not make us "one" with rats. A true Aryan effectuates individuation. We are eternally connected to the true God in spirit yet always separate as a unique consciousness, analogous to our relationship with our Beloved. Together forever yet simultaneously set asunder.

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this makes sense....thank you

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Jack a group that was banned from the radio and the charts in the UK who would regularly outsell simple minds and U2 and a few others combined was Runrig, the UK government hated them

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Excellent piece my friend, and great reminder about The Cell, there appear to be so many old films resurfacing at the moment...

And so much that was shown to us between the lines over the years.

Thank you HP, we all owe you one for your continued investigative work and what you are sharing here...!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by HP

The symbolism reminds me of that Women's catholic ministry The Sacred Heart of Mary. These women engaged in social work to help the poor and orphaned. This theme, the beating heart, or Spirit, was also throughout the I Pet goat film, the sleeper awakes and then the black goo snake slithered away as the sun shot out light.

We're immune aren't we HP! I believe so.

Just an observation as what do I know....

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deletedMay 30, 2023Liked by HP
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