Jun 1Author

Thx for the great comments and compliments, I am a bit tired and probably will use the next upcoming days for recovery.

I additionally have some private obligations that can not be postponed.

My apologies to all for the late answer.

All the Best to All and happy weekend.


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Been busy creating my reality but always thinking of you sentients. No denying that there were past civilizations the names really dont matter at this point.

"Truman show" some of us may be "tru-men" and the rest empty vessels and/or the supporting cast.

The Potemkin village lots of props and facades to help this movie along. Enjoy the ride as our "higher selves" signed up for the shitshow. "Are you not entertained?"

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Brilliant commentary, HP. Literally everything from any "official", mainstream, or even semi-mainstream source is a psy-op, lie, and obfuscation. The masses that are asses will swallow all Hidden Hand swill so long as they can keep thumb fucking their "I" phones in a death dream trance. "If God (Demiurge) did not want them (animal men) shorn, he would not have made them sheep." Loosh chow for Archontic feasts. Not us, never was, never will be.

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The Tartaria dreamy thing is just another socio-communistic "fantasy" psyop for those who would never wish to be individually freed, liberated from their existential fright of Death. Those who made all this up, know nothing of antiquity, philosophy, the ancient gods, Classical culture. They know nothing about the Physis (sic) of this World (sic ie the Natural Universal Order according to the Ancient Greek definition to this notion).

Tartarus c'est le séjour de Minos, c'est le Hadès l'infernus l'enfer (intérieur), l'envers du décor de ce monde. Le monde occulte. Les ténèbres cimmériennes! La caverne du coeur. L'Antre aux Nymphes. La caverne de Platon etc etc etc.

They want everything for free.

We are not allowed to tap into the ether just like that! There is a price to be paid! The gods won't allow it.

They think everything is about some sort of conspiracy. Against poor little humans!!!! Depriving the bipedal mammals of their birth right.

Man himself is his own Prison. Be away with whining. These people like Max Igan et al with their so called truth mouvement are just herders, another psyop. For the lazy of mind & the dumb.

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Awesome, L'aryensoufi.

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Touché l'aryen

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We should keep in mind when the facts don't suit their Tataria dribble these people lie through their teeth just like the Smithsonian and National Geographic whom they so claim to detest. I'm from NYC, born in Maimonides Hospital and worked all over Seventh Avenue, including the Hudson Bay Company. There was no great fire and there's not a single scorched brick of evidence in the city for one. I lived in Jacksonville too, there are no hills around it where you could watch it burn the terrain is flat as a pancake. That's just for starters. Some interesting facts though. But you are the only one providing any real answers.

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You never cease to amaze me HP, you get it, and you are the first outside those that are born to it. That is if we ever were born. Long ago she told me she wasn't, so I have to imagine the same for myself. Tune them up HP, tune them up...

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