All you can do is give em a choice HP...

For once I do not agree with my good friend Heretic, RFK is not alone, there are 70 million unvaccinated Americans. While it is true that only 3% will actually act offensively, that's more than enough to take this country by force at this point, especially facing an army of vaxxed up faggots not to mention the other ten million who will act defensively once the war has begun. The 3% just need a leader. RFK will grow into the job. No lion is born king of the jungle he must fight his way to the throne and with each successive victory in battle his confidence grows till you have a fantastically maned killing machine that thinks nothing of attacking a whole pack of hyenas...

Will crosspost later

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I know, I know...but I will raise the odds to 6-7 % and if it gets really ugly 15 %, reasons: even the biggest coward will fight if you give him reason...and what better reason to have than the protection of your son, daughter, wife, friend, or neighbor.

Thx in advance..for cross-post.

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We are adults here, if we don't agree on one thing, the sky is definitely not falling....we have the same goal, and that is what really matters.

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And yes views are way down, but that was expected, at least from my side after the rant about spies...

Nobody likes to hear the truth, they all want to live in the clouds thinking all this is done for the betterment of humanity and of course their pockets $$$.

I get 4,5,6 likes and a decent count of views and then the article falls off the cliff, it doesn't matter this childish behavior won't change anything that is coming, enjoy while you can...

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I agree with your figures, as do actual studies done by the DoD, but I'm giving the radical priests figures just as a very least...

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Jun 16, 2023·edited Jun 16, 2023Liked by HP

"No lion is born king of the jungle he must fight his way to the throne and with each successive victory in battle his confidence grows till you have a fantastically maned killing machine"

Long lost piece of advice. Rome had to learn the hard way. Confidence must be built up slowly in order to truly self-actualize. No initiation starts off in the deep end its massaged slowly else everyone would quit because fuck it the juice ain't worth the squeeze. Even the trickster god plays its roll as sometimes you need to be tricked to get to the next step. You can be angry about it later.

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First time I talked to the guy who runs the NSA Greg he was making fun of me because he knew I was awe struck, eight years later... Oh well you guys know how I am.

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Damn, this is awesome, HP. Cuts like a laser. The Blight Wing/Cleft Wing tent show is just a control cage for the sheeple. Voting effectuates real change like pissing into the ocean alters the tide. RFK Jr. will only be president if a certain Mongol/Turkic tribe of former phallic worshipers wants him to be. They'll ask their daddy, the Demiurge, if it's OK. Even if he is placed in the Oval Orifice and his intentions are good and sincere (unlike that pathetic, clownish, mendacious, orange headed buffoon), he will be able to do next to nothing to stop the rot and disintegration. The Congress, the pre-selected by the ruling class Cabinet members, the bureaucrats in all of the endless agencies and departments (I'm talking top tier) are all corrupt and compromised. These types of vermin would sell their mothers, daughters, and sisters into sexual slavery for a sawbuck. What can one man do against a tsunami of slime like that? Imagine an honest sailor on a ship of pirates. Consider as well that any U.S. President, along with all other world-wide heads of state, just possesses the cosmetic trappings of power. The real movers and shakers stay in the shadows, out of the firing line. The Jew S. A. is toast, or rather a burnt matzah. Thanks, HP.

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Thank you, brother...

How are you, everything o.k with you and your brother?

Is the situation resolved?

I hope this helps a bit, I would help you, but there is an ocean between us, literally...lol this sound like a trashy romance novel.

I help strangers all the time and you my friend are not a stranger, there would be no reason not to help you.

Cheers, and all the Best.

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Thanks Bro, we're OK and hanging tough. I truly appreciate the sentiment. My very best to you and yours. Keep punching, no surrender. 88!

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Jun 16, 2023·edited Jun 16, 2023Liked by HP

"Here opposites attract, and this is the reason why it is so hard to break out of the mold that forms the Hive mind."

Loved this HP. You basically explained how I and I'm sure many others broke out. Bouncing back from left to right gathering momentum with each swing until finally shot outside the magnetosphere away from the bipolar PULLS. You can either bounce back indefinitely (lack of awareness), or lose energy with each bounce (demoralization spiritual decay mental exhaustion), or you can say fuck it and push harder with each swing until suddenly you find yourself here. Where you belong.

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Needed that laugh HP ,it's a dirty job but someone's got to do it lol , that seems to be my favourite catch phrase over the decades , 1A and 2A who is for and who is against those amendments a simple question to a brilliantly thought out set of rules penned by visionaries long ago, some people judge a man by the company he keeps , and at the moment I am rubbing shoulders with the crem de la crem of society,while a little voice whispers to me come back in 4 years and vote for me ,vote for me harder , politics is the entertainment division of the MIC as a American singer once said

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