I need to stop commenting or something, due to personal reasons, but I will say this much, and it is about the real American character.
Americans have always believed the dumbest fucking shit. I know this because I've lived it hard. What is completely crazy is the fact that these same people repaired complex machines, were capable of making decent communities, handled obscene amounts of paperwork, and brought in the next generation.
It was more or less okay with society to achieve a workable condition, because the worst parasites were held somewhat in check BY THEMSELVES.
Thats right, the dumbfucks that fought all their wars had zero to do with it. I know, I live it.
Now, quite a bit has changed recently, and this is a comment, not an essay, so we'll end it with the observation that those in America who never worked a day in their life, sweated over the bills, or had to deal with anything besides being a goddam parasite now cheer eachother on to drop to new lows. They quit trying, and America, never a great place, takes it on the chin.
The parasites gave up even trying, and so there is nothing the retards who believe retarded shit can do to
When will Americans ever learn, maybe when they are laying in a pool of their own blood with the rubble of the Empire State Building on top of them. A conservative is someone who wants to save their money a National Socialist is someone who wants to save his race. If you identify in anyway as a conservative, whether it be as a Christian conservative that can't stop worshiping a Jew or a Libertarian out to save your precious money you have no place on this battlefield. You are in the way, get below deck with the women and children. National Socialism names the Jew and removes him as policy. It is the only thing that will save native Americans, White, Black, Red, and Yellow...
Well said, and race must be put back on the map, not as a scalable divider but as something that is truly unique and worth preserving at any cost...we all will never be the same, this irrefutable thought and fact is in a contradiction with a vile product of Jewish fiction, multiculturalism, that clouds like bastardized succubus bright realms of this reality.
The fact alone that all races are different is a wonderful thing of timeless beauty, this sainted knowledge should be cherished, not seen as an epitome of an unnatural form of existence.
Many, many young people these days are becoming nationalists, not conservatives or understand the core concept behind nationalism, this fact alone makes Shlomo to tremble in fear.
I need to stop commenting or something, due to personal reasons, but I will say this much, and it is about the real American character.
Americans have always believed the dumbest fucking shit. I know this because I've lived it hard. What is completely crazy is the fact that these same people repaired complex machines, were capable of making decent communities, handled obscene amounts of paperwork, and brought in the next generation.
It was more or less okay with society to achieve a workable condition, because the worst parasites were held somewhat in check BY THEMSELVES.
Thats right, the dumbfucks that fought all their wars had zero to do with it. I know, I live it.
Now, quite a bit has changed recently, and this is a comment, not an essay, so we'll end it with the observation that those in America who never worked a day in their life, sweated over the bills, or had to deal with anything besides being a goddam parasite now cheer eachother on to drop to new lows. They quit trying, and America, never a great place, takes it on the chin.
The parasites gave up even trying, and so there is nothing the retards who believe retarded shit can do to
keep this thing from capsizing.
When will Americans ever learn, maybe when they are laying in a pool of their own blood with the rubble of the Empire State Building on top of them. A conservative is someone who wants to save their money a National Socialist is someone who wants to save his race. If you identify in anyway as a conservative, whether it be as a Christian conservative that can't stop worshiping a Jew or a Libertarian out to save your precious money you have no place on this battlefield. You are in the way, get below deck with the women and children. National Socialism names the Jew and removes him as policy. It is the only thing that will save native Americans, White, Black, Red, and Yellow...
Well said, and race must be put back on the map, not as a scalable divider but as something that is truly unique and worth preserving at any cost...we all will never be the same, this irrefutable thought and fact is in a contradiction with a vile product of Jewish fiction, multiculturalism, that clouds like bastardized succubus bright realms of this reality.
The fact alone that all races are different is a wonderful thing of timeless beauty, this sainted knowledge should be cherished, not seen as an epitome of an unnatural form of existence.
Many, many young people these days are becoming nationalists, not conservatives or understand the core concept behind nationalism, this fact alone makes Shlomo to tremble in fear.